Kahramanmaraş Bus Ticket



Thanks to Kahramanmaraş bus ticket opportunities, many people can reach the city of Kahramanmaraş, which has hosted different cultures and civilizations throughout history, in a comfortable and convenient way. The first civilization to have survived in this city, where the first traces of settlement were found in the Paleolithic ages, were the Hittites. Later, many cultures and civilizations such as Byzantium, Ottoman, Crusader, Roman and Seljuk also left their traces here. Kahramanmaraş, which has Sivas in the north, Malatya in the east and Gaziantep in the south, is the 11th largest city in Turkey in terms of surface area. In this city, which has fertile lands, both agriculture and animal husbandry have an important place among their livelihoods. The ruins found in many regions and in addition to these, many cultural structures equate Kahramanmaraş trips with a historical journey. The center of the city, 60% of which consists of mountains, was established on the skirts of Mount Ahir. Therefore, this city has a very rough terrain. The existence of dams in this city, which has many water sources, also meets Turkey's electricity needs.

When to go to Kahramanmaraş?

In this city, which is reached by taking advantage of Kahramanmaraş bus ticket opportunities, the winter months are quite cold. Although the foundations of winter tourism were laid in a few districts, it is not recommended for those who do not plan to ski to visit the city during the winter months. In addition to the winter months, the summer months in this city are also quite hot. However, since sea tourism is not available, visitors are recommended to choose the spring or autumn months in order not to be adversely affected by the heat. Especially spring months are very comfortable periods. In this way, you can enjoy exploring the city of Kahramanmaraş without being affected by hot and cold weather. Also, many festivals are held in this city. You can participate in the festivals held in spring and be intertwined with the people of Kahramanmaraş.

Places to Visit in Kahramanmaraş

When it comes to places to visit in Kahramanmaraş, many historical, cultural and natural riches in the city come to the fore and all of these places are waiting to be discovered. Kahramanmaraş nature, which has a highly variable climatic structure, is home to many plant species and animals. In addition to this, the city, which is very important in terms of architecture, also hosts religious artifacts and religious buildings. All of these places are among the places worth exploring. In addition, those who want to visit Kahramanmaraş are recommended to try the rich Kahramanmaraş cuisine while they have come to this city. The city, which provides a feast of taste with its various dishes and desserts, especially its ice cream, offers the opportunity to try all these flavors at various restaurants and restaurants.

Kahramanmaras Castle

When it comes to places to visit in Kahramanmaraş, this castle is considered the symbol of the city. Many historical artifacts reflecting the young Hittites period were found in this castle. In addition, the four Maraş lions, which Evliya Çelebi mentioned in his famous travel book, are among the discovered artifacts. While the southern part of the castle has a pointed and high structure, the northern part was built on a sloping hill without swearing.

Traditional Maras Mansions

The traditional Maraş mansions, which have a wide courtyard, high walls, ornate fountains, as well as various characteristic features, have an important place in the point of civil architecture. These mansions, which are almost a chain link of Turkish civil architecture, are definitely worth seeing. Each of the mansions has 2 floors and in addition to this, there are also 3-storey mansions. The mansions, in which soil and wood were used as building materials, also have various sections such as haremlik and selamlık. The mansions, which have been designed entirely in line with the needs, impress those who see them with their large courtyards and magnificent gates. In addition, there are sections such as warehouses, barns and barns on the lower floors of these mansions in order to fully meet the needs of the people living in these mansions at that time. In addition to these places, secret compartments were built under the mansions in order to store different foods during the winter months.

Lentil Hill

Located in the lentil district of the same name, this hill is widely visited by the locals. Especially in summer evenings, this place is visited frequently to watch the city view in a unique way and to witness the different rows closely. It is very enjoyable to watch the sunset and take different photos on this hill, which is one of the most ideal places to watch the city of Kahramanmaraş.

Kahramanmaras Archeology Museum

Kahramanmara, which hosts many artifacts from the Young Hittite periods, The archaeological museum has greatly increased the historical and cultural importance of the city. When it comes to the traces of museology in Turkey, the fact that the Seljuk period comes to the fore and the Seljuk period is encountered in Kahramanmaraş makes this city very valuable. The museum, which has many sections ranging from education and multi-purpose meeting rooms to mosaic exhibition halls, provides visitors with pleasant and valuable moments. Considering that the city has hosted many cultures and civilizations, it is possible to come across many ruins belonging to different cultures and civilizations in this museum.

Dulkadiroğlu Thematic Cuisine Museum

Dulkadiroğlu thematic kitchen museum was opened by Dulkadiroğlu Municipality in 2018. This museum, which is also one of the unique mansions reflecting the history of Kahramanmaraş, offers a perfect view with its wide courtyard, many rooms and balconies. In this museum, it is possible to discover the culinary culture and various dishes belonging to the Kahramanmaraş region. Among the works exhibited in the museum, the items used in the cooking stages have an important place. In addition, in the museum, which has a huge kitchen at the entrance, many tastes that have been forgotten are offered to the visitors. Among these flavors, many flavors such as tarhana soup, carrot rice and sour soup come to the fore. You can also have the chance to explore the museum, which has this unique concept, in a comfortable way via Kahramanmaraş Bus Terminal. You can have the opportunity to try different flavors in the museum, which you will reach in a short time from the bus station.

Seven Beautiful Men Literary Museum

The Seven Beautiful Men Literary Museum, which attracts the attention of many people, especially literature lovers, was actually built as an American girls' college. The building, which later operated as an undesirable high school, was completely renovated and took its current form. In this museum, which is one of the absolute haunts of literature and art lovers, separate areas have been created for each of the important poets and writers. In the museum, which hosts various video films, visual panels and animations, it is also possible to listen to the cities made up entirely of the voices of the literati. You may want to consider including this museum, which provides both valuable and interesting moments to everyone who visits, in your travel lists. You can reach this museum easily and comfortably via Kahramanmaraş Bus Terminal.

About Kahramanmaras
Phone Code:344
Plate Code:46
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