Akçakoca Bus Terminal Bus Ticket

Akçakoca Bus Terminal

Those who want to reach the town of Düzce in the Western Black Sea Region of Turkey by purchasing Akçakoca Bus Terminal bus ticket can provide themselves with a planned program by accessing the bus terminal information in advance. Akçakoca bus terminal is located approximately 38 km away from Düzce. People who want to travel to Akçakoca can buy an Akçakoca Bus Terminal bus ticket to enjoy the Historical Akçakoca Castle, beautiful beaches, natural beauties and local dishes in the city.

About Akçakoca Bus Terminal

You can reach the district, which is adjacent to Zonguldak and Sakarya provinces, by purchasing a bus ticket for Akçakoca Bus Terminal. The bus station, which is one of the most important transportation centers of the district, includes services of different bus companies. National and local companies provide services at the bus terminal. Designed to provide a comfortable journey for its guests, the bus terminal has rest areas, cafeterias, restaurants, and taxi and bus stops that can help you with your transportation.

People who want to buy Akçakoca Bus Terminal bus tickets are welcomed by the modernly designed bus terminal. With its disabled-friendly design, elevators, ramps and special toilets for disabled passengers are located inside the bus terminal. The bus station ensures that passengers are in healthy conditions with its clean and well-maintained toilet service. The bus terminal has an ATM service, allowing you to carry out any banking transactions and withdraw and deposit money in case of emergency. Apart from this, there are also souvenir shops and shops that buy left-luggage items inside the bus terminal.

Akçakoca Bus Terminal Transportation

By purchasing Akçakoca Bus Terminal bus ticket, you may have questions about how to reach the bus terminal, which is 3 km away from the center. Paid parking is available at the bus terminal for passengers arriving with their own vehicles. Apart from this, municipal buses run to the bus station at certain time intervals. It provides access to the bus station from the city center in approximately 15 minutes. These municipal buses operate until 20.30, but may vary seasonally.

People who purchase Akçakoca Bus Terminal bus tickets can also reach the bus station in a short time by taxi. Thanks to its short distance from the center, you can reach it in a short time. There are also taxi stands open 24 hours a day. You can call a taxi by calling these stops at any time of the day.

What Hours is Akçakoca Bus Terminal Open?

Akçakoca Bus Terminal is open 24 hours a day. Markets and similar businesses located within the bus terminal may have different working hours.

Is There a Market in Akçakoca Bus Terminal?

Yes, there are markets where you can shop inside Akçakoca Bus Terminal.

In which neighborhood is Akçakoca Bus Terminal located?

Akçakoca Bus Terminal is located in Ayazlı District. It is 3-5 km away from the center.

Is There Parking at Akçakoca Bus Terminal?

Yes, there is paid parking at Akçakoca Bus Terminal. Fees may vary between timings and days.

What Can You Do While Waiting for the Bus at Akçakoca Bus Terminal?

You can enjoy reading your book in the lounge by purchasing books and similar items from the souvenir shop located in Akçakoca Bus Terminal. Apart from that, you can try local tastes by spending time in the food and drink areas inside the bus terminal.

What's Around Akçakoca Bus Terminal?

There is an industrial site around Akçakoca Bus Terminal. You can try different and delicious dishes by visiting the industrial restaurants nearby. You can also spend your time in the children's park of Ayazlı Neighborhood, located nearby.

What are the cities with the most frequent flights from Akçakoca Bus Terminal?

The cities with the most frequent flights from Akçakoca bus terminal are Bolu, Sakarya, Izmir, Ankara, Izmit, Zonguldak, Gebze, Düzce and Istanbul.

Which cities are served most frequently by Akçakoca Bus Terminal?

The cities with the most frequent flights to Akçakoca Bus Terminal are Zonguldak, Bolu, Izmir, Izmit, Istanbul, Gebze, Ankara and Sakarya. There are also cars departing from the bus terminal, which provides transportation to all corners of Turkey, to surrounding districts and villages.

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